Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Buck and a Doe for Sweet Ellie!

Sweet Ellie gave birth to twins today at Gillis Hill Farm! It was so exciting, especially to one little girl named Caroline! Everyday since Ellie'e due date she has come by the barn to see if Ellie had given birth and I had to tell her, "no" not today, but this day promised to be different! I had errands to run and was not there when Caroline came by the barn, so she peaked in the stall, and there, laying in the straw, was a little baby goat buck. Caroline was beside herself with joy! She ran to the farm house to tell everyone that Ellie had given birth! That is when I got the phone call that I was a goat mama! I could hardly get to the barn fast enough! I arrived just after the birth of the second baby goat, a doe! I am happy that Caroline was the one to find Ellie, in labor, and yet to give birth to a little doe that we named after her! I know one little girl that has baby goats dancing in her dreams and know that her heart yearns to come by and see her little namesake...Until Tomorrow, Cindy

1 comment:

  1. Caroline was so excited and loves checking on her new friends. Thanks you for allowing her to be part of your farm family.
